3 hours ago
Sunday, June 27, 2010
And How Can I Not Post This...
You already know. Kanye since the first time I heard 'Through The Wire' when I was in 6th grade, oddly enough through BET. Welcome back =)
It Is Safe To Say I Told You So...
Let ms start by saying, thank you to BET for putting on a great show. They definitely redeemed themselves from the ratchetness that was last year's award show and the years prior. I would also like to give a shout out to #TeamBreezy on twitter who went super hard for Chris. Some of you are a lil off but I bangs with you lol. Nice lil shift to Chris: I've said it before and I will say it again who the hell else would serve Michael Jackson other than Chris Brown. No one would let Chris honor his idol because of the incident but BET finally gave him a chance on national television to wow people. He danced wonderfully and on point [Michael was a lil sharper tho lol], he sang 'The Way You Make Me Feel' wonderfully [Slim fun fact: I actually dressed like that on Halloween] and over all that was the best performance of the night aside from Prince and his facial expressions [Dirty Money with Nicki Minaj and Ricky Ross was good too tho]. Chris DID THAT. He ate that stage. People are trying to demonize his performance saying that his tears were fake and a show. That boy cried until he turned red and made the ugly face, the poor thing couldn't even sing; I don't know but it seemed legit to me. He was crying for Michael and he was crying for his own mistakes. 'Man In The Mirror' describes his situation perfectly. To make changes he has to start with himself, which I believe he did, but NO ONE will give him a second chance. This isn't psycho babble coming from a faithful Chris Brown fan. This is coming from someone who hid in the closet screaming 'Daddy stop!' as my father choked my mother and caused her to miscarriage. I've tried to hate my father but I can't. I believe in second chances and if I can forgive my father then I can forgive someone who all he has done for me is provide good music, wonderful dancing, and pure entertainment. Chris got his second chance tonight to show the world what a great talent he is. And then he won the fandemonium award showing that he still has faithful fans. Trust a Chris Brown fan will run you down with a Mack truck with the quickness if you come at him sideways at any point [they are quite feisty on twitter lol].
Thank you BET, now if you take Tiny & Toya and 106 & Park off the air we can be better friends.
And can I also say that Charlie Sheen has had MULTIPLE domestic altercations with his wife resulting him pulling a knife on her and a restraining order and yet Two And A Half Men is the number 1 show on CBS. The American public is full of shxt. When Chris hits another chick, then I'll give up on him but till then give him a chance.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Real Bad, Michael Jackson
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sounds Like Paper 2010
If you haven't seen it on the news or in facebook pics, or on youtube, June 15th Drake shut down NYC. No it was not in the way you think. This man's name alone had South Street Seaport looking like a slave ship. Then like Amistad, these people revolted and rioted. I was one of 20,000 people who showed up to Paper Magazine's Sounds Like Paper summer series concert. I attended last year and it went off fine so I thought this year would be just the same. How wrong was I? Slowly but surely, people began coming in droves, some with kids -_- [on shoulders, in strollers, IN THE WOMB!]. Hanson did their sound check, Drake's band did their sound check, and Ninjasonik [We are Sonik-fkn-Ninjas] did theirs. I thought all was well until after Ninjasonik did their sound check. A fight broke out and hundreds of people came towards the main section in front of the stage [where I was]. It only went down from there. About 6 fights broke out causing human waves, bottles were thrown, liquids, dirt, flowers, then chairs. Then there was a rat that decided it wanted to trample through the crowd causing another bum rush. At one point the crowd was swaying side to side and my friend told me that someone had a gun. *side track* WHAT THE HELL DO YOU NEED A GUN AT A FREE CONCERT FOR? MUTHAFCKA DO YOU UNDERSTAND? FREE! AS IN YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY! WHY DO ALL OF YOU INSIST ON ACTING LIKE ANIMALS? *side track end* The largest war began when first bottles were thrown, then it turned into liquids, then dirt from Uno's flower pots, then the whole flower pot. By that time I had been pushed so much that I ended up over the barricade and on the stage. Being terrified for my life, I made my way out of South Street Seaport right as the chairs started flying.
Although it was scary, there were some good moments like the idiots who were swinging from the windows at Uno's, some cool people we met, and jammin to the sound checks. OTHER THAN THAT IT WAS MADNESS, STRAIGHT MADNESS! I FELT LIKE I WAS GONNA DIE! The concert would have went off without a hitch had it not been for the plain stupid people who wanted attention and did everything Paper reps asked us not to do, intoxicated people [lots of 4 Loko and weed], the hood children [TOO many were in attendance], and over zealous Drake fans and groupies. Paper should have also had wayyy more security, shouldn't have over publicized the event, should have made it a secret concert [I went to a FREE secret Chris Brown concert 2 years ago], they should have made an announcement that the concert was canceled instead of having people stand there and they should have called the police sooner instead of getting on stage and taking photos of the madness. It was a good thing they canceled it though because people would have died and Drake would have been shoved into the water.
Bad look for NYC, AMAZING look for Wheelchair Jimmy. He mad NYC act a damn fool for damn near 5 hours.
Skinny Bxtch OUT!

Although it was scary, there were some good moments like the idiots who were swinging from the windows at Uno's, some cool people we met, and jammin to the sound checks. OTHER THAN THAT IT WAS MADNESS, STRAIGHT MADNESS! I FELT LIKE I WAS GONNA DIE! The concert would have went off without a hitch had it not been for the plain stupid people who wanted attention and did everything Paper reps asked us not to do, intoxicated people [lots of 4 Loko and weed], the hood children [TOO many were in attendance], and over zealous Drake fans and groupies. Paper should have also had wayyy more security, shouldn't have over publicized the event, should have made it a secret concert [I went to a FREE secret Chris Brown concert 2 years ago], they should have made an announcement that the concert was canceled instead of having people stand there and they should have called the police sooner instead of getting on stage and taking photos of the madness. It was a good thing they canceled it though because people would have died and Drake would have been shoved into the water.
Bad look for NYC, AMAZING look for Wheelchair Jimmy. He mad NYC act a damn fool for damn near 5 hours.
Skinny Bxtch OUT!

the 4th boo
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I'm In The Collard Green Six, Cornbread In The Guts...
This had me rolling especially since 'Roger That' is my jam.
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