Man two weeks of pure unadulterated blogging? Exciting? Why yasss, yass it is. I did some Christmas gift shopping over the weekend and can I just say that this 'blizzard' was nothing short of some regular snow in Brooklyn. It was about 10 inches here if even that much. ANYWHO! I've been called wrong for my Christmas gift rules because Christmas is the season of giving. See I am giving but with some fine print.
Slim Thugg's Rules of Gift Giving:
1) I am not spending more on you than you have on me:
Look this rule is not bad at all in my opinion. It is still a recession as far as I know and I am jobless so you have to bear with me. If you spend $15 on me but someone else spends $80 on me, you can't be mad if I got them a more expensive gift. I've had people ask why someone else got a more expensive gift. You wanna know my answer to that? You get what you give! HA! Plus I would feel bad if you spent $80 on me and I spent a measly $10 lol.
2) You better give me a gift.
I am serious. Yes it is the season of giving but hell! I have to get too! It's tit for tat bxtches, you give to get. If you do not give me a gift I will keep yours until my birthday [which is next month] and if by then you do not have a gift for me, I will use what I bought for you. I think it's fair.
3) Get me something you would like.
I will be DAMNED if i receive another ugly ass sweater or some other bullshit for Christmas. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you REALLY think I will wear that? Also do get me no cheap shit that will break in two seconds, what is the point of that? Don't get me a chia pet because I will throw it at you. Don't give me a gift card to somewhere you wouldn't even shop because I will cut you with it.
4) When in doubt, give mulah!
People always ask me what I want and I always say money because I truly don't know what I want at time or it is too expensive for someone to buy. However, people make it a mission to buy me something and they show up with a lotion set or a gift card to a store I do not frequent. Please people, when in doubt give money because I would do that for you.
Those are my rules for gift giving. Call me the [skinny] Grinch if you will but hell I'm being honest.
Happy Holidays kids =)
*update* What Slim got for Christmas: Doc Martens, Chanel No. 5, Married to the Mob tshirts, a Marc Jacobs bag, a Juicy Couture perfume set avec lotion & other ish, and that lovely cash money
9 hours ago
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