; 'Cause The Skinny Bxtch Said So.: -_-

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I promise ^_^

It's hot as hell in this house so I took off my shirt and I'm just lounging around in my bra. My mother and the man she has been with since I was 4 enter the house and survey the area. My mother is like "clothes young lady!", so I haul myself to my room and put on a tank top. Then I walk pass the bathroom and this nigga is standing there, peeing with the door open. HOW HARD IS IT TO CLOSE THE FXCKING DOOR!?!? And its not like this is a one time thing, he does it all the time. Thats fxcking nasty. Close the fxcking door. That's all I ask or else I am walking around in a bra 24/7 whether I am sick, healthy, fat...eh never that, skinny, etc. Just close the fxcking door 'cause no one wants to see ur junk, that's why ppl have sex with the lights off.

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