; 'Cause The Skinny Bxtch Said So.: Decorum Delegates!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Decorum Delegates!

Hello, hello, helloooo babies! I am back from Model U.N aka CMUNC 2009 and I must say it was quite the experience. Yes I encountered a couple people I don't like [pompous bastards, this one fool thought my friend && I wanted him -_- but I digress] but I found a few who are pretty chill. I met real girls from Hong Kong and kids from South Africa, who by the way are beasts at MUN. Man South Africa killed everyone with no effort. Their accents were also wonderful doses of ear candy. Aside from that, I had fun passing random notes to those who answered [shout out to Senegal for being a faithful note passer] and chilling with my BFS buddies. From running to Tops at 11:30 pm to ranting in the rain because no one told us that everything on campus was closed, I wouldn't trade this experience for the world. The good and the bad made it perfect and I will gladly do it again next year as long as I get a topic I am interested in. I represented Panama and found out on the third day that Panama wasn't even in the UNDP in real life -_-. And MAYBE if the people weren't so uptight lol. And if we get a better hotel, our shxt looked like a hospital and had a scary possessed elevator. And if the damn worms wouldn't come out of the ground when it rained. It was like a battle field out there *moment of silence for the worms*.

Ignorant things I heard:
"You're from Hong Kong? How do you speak perfect English?"
"I have a girlfriend"
The Dean && The History Teacher

Funniest Moments:
The Hunch
"At 10:55 everyone click their pens obnoxiously" [And everyone did it!]
"Motion to recess...NO!"
"Motion to beginning the tic tac toe tournament that 22 countries have signed up for"
The Dance [dear lord I have never experienced anything like that in my life. THE HORROR!]
Spencer from the party =]
Asha's resolution styled angry note
Asha in general lol.
"Porn is not your addiction. Porn is you're nasty." - Jun
"Gay? Really?" - Spencer M. [bfs kiddo]

Chinese food everyday aka my dream.

"Cornell Engineering: Where Fun Goes To Die"

Breakfast and Snackage courtesy of moi

Kitty.Slim. Locked out of our rooms.

In Tops...Asha is on her stalker ish smh.

Miriam.Slim.Jun.Spencer M.

glow worms are indeed the best when they are free.

[pic cred: Asha Kay Bee, a fellow Dream Girl]

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