; 'Cause The Skinny Bxtch Said So.: The Bullshit I Called October

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Bullshit I Called October

So basically I am ashamed that my post count for October is 1 post. I know I am always explaining myself but serious if you've been through the senior year of high school or are going through it right now, you know that with AP classes and college apps and supplements, that this these past two months of school have not been a walk in the park. I have had a few joys in my life since school began. My lovely baby brother was born, he is my pride and joy; I got my piercing back and convinced my brother to pierce his eyebrow, I got a canon rebel from Europe, shopping has been lovely, and my college list is fcking amazing!!! Like if you see my list you will be like damn..Slim is popping =). With rainbows must come the rain, that's where my life comes in. Extracurriculers make me wanna cut myself, my english teach is trying to kill me with work, I have sooo many college supps to finish/start, and of course my main laptop WITH ALL MY PICTURES AND MUSIC has 24 viruses -_-. Yeah so I'm not too happy at this moment when it comes to that. The viruses is what kept my blogging at a halt. I finally got a netbook from my school so I am back to computer access [praise the LAWD!].

My blog is coming back with a vengence this month. November is a WHOLE other ballpark hehe.

Dueces lovies.

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