When you just stop caring about what is going on in the world? I have stopped caring about this recession because it hasn't affected me like it has other folk. The same exact life style I have had before this recession is the very same that I have now. Money has never been my best friend but when we are together mannnn it's a wrap. If I hear one more story about the AIG bonuses I will scream. I don't care about AIG and their selfish ass bonus. Why? Because they aren't sharing their billions with me. What can I do about the corrupt world? I say banks shouldn't be bailed out anymore because they are full of bullshxt. AIG, Merrill Lynch, and Fanny Mae can all fxck off because honestly I am tired. This isn't affecting me personally but it is a fxcked up situation and I empathize with those who are affected. All of this money is given to you to help save your company and your clients and you are taking the money for yourself? Billion dollar bonuses. Million dollar bonuses. Billions in debt. Millions going broke. As for Bernie Madoff...I'd whoop his ass myself. People trust you with their money and you pocket all of it and then lose it. If I was one of his clients, I'd be in jail right now because he would be buried six feet under.
The love of money is truly the root of all evil.
Broke ass Slim is outtie..got sumptin in my eye =/
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