; 'Cause The Skinny Bxtch Said So.: Asian Persuasion

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Asian Persuasion

Known fact that I love me some Asian guys, yes yes correct? Good! I just thought this video was cute and decided to post it because 1) homie in the vid is cute, 2) his theory is something to be discussed and 3)I love seeing black females with asian guys because it's something you see but not like everyday. His wife is black and he is Chinese [cute ass Chinese boy]. I know of some Asian dudes who date nothing but Black chicks but they are all taken so you single chocolate loving Asian friends...Ima need y'all to give a sister a call, send be a text, SOMETHING LOL. My reason for liking Asians is not from his theory, mine stems from influence and just straight up being open minded. As long as you're cute and I like your personality, we can chill. Period. However, my family has this Asian thing lol. My mother LOVESSSS Asian guys. She has always said if she didn't meet my father I would have been half Asian. I never quite knew how to take that but anyway my brothers are into Asian girls and I am into Asian guys. It seems to be a personality trait or something. On my behalf I could say that I may have been influenced by my mother [because she has been drooling over Jet Li for since I could remember] but my brothers did not grow up with my mom until their junior high years. So as I grew up hearing this 'that's one sexy Asian' I began to look and see damn...they really are sexy. My crush in junior high was this Japanese kid who was almost blacker than me lol. I went into my rock phase but he kept me on my hood side whenever I chilled with him. *sigh* those were the days. What I need to do is go over to Canarsie High School. They have a good chunk of cute Asians. Oh and so does Brooklyn Tech. SMH @ me sounding like a fiend but I have been with black, hispanic, and white but never an Asian. Eh I'm rambling at this point but this is my blog so who cares [surly not I].

Question: Why every time I say I like Asian guys to Black dudes they wanna throw the "they have small penises" line at me? The fck you doing looking at other men's private areas? How do you know Asians are lacking in the package? Just like there are Black dudes trolling around with little vienna sauages, there are Asians with that good peen. And besides, it's not the size of the friend, it's how you use him =x. [LMFAO @ me sounding like a sex queen but damn it's 3 am and my brain isn't right at the moment]. And why is it okay for you [black male] to date outside of the race but the minute a black female tries/wants to you get all up in arms? SMH @ the foolishness.

Now to the theory of the cute asian in this vid! He may have something there. Asian guys are constantly baraded by Asian chicks with insults about how they aren't as good as White men. Black females...gosh we just have it hard. Not only do we have other races telling us that our big lips, hips, butts, hair, and skin is good for nothing except maybe being a video model in some raunchy hip-hop video, we have men in our own race downing us. How many of us have heard that we aren't as good as the light skinned girl? How many of us have seen them drool over the lil hispanic girls? Half of of the females that I see getting snatched up by black dudes deserve to be snatched up by bear traps because they look busted. What do us good looking females have to do now? Go outside the race. Asian guys, your fems say you aren't worthy, come on over here. We have all seen blasian kids, we know black females and asian males can produce some beauties so why be so hesitant? I say join forces and take over the world.

Slim is now accepting boyfriend applications from the Asian community. I mean I have been doing so since I spotted Jet Li in "Romeo Must Die" [always thought he was fine] but I am a teen now, I need to explore and I've seen the Asians of my generation [they are going hard man]. Yo am I the only one who thought Trunks from Dragon Ball Z was fine?

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