See I thought my day couldn't get any worse but oh it did. Not only was I late to work thanks to the muthafcking MTA, I ripped my pants. But let me go off on the MTA for a minute. So I get on the 2 train today all ready to go. I realize we left 2 minutes late and 2 minutes goes a long way when you live in New York City. Then after 4 stops the train sits. And sits. And sits. Oh wait for it...AND SITS! The conductor makes an announcement about the silly train traffic that always seems to occur. We move along. And it sits. And sits. Then it moves and stops in a already know the drill. The conductor comes on the speak is like 'The Lexington line is having some delays and problems, when the train gets to Atlantic Ave. either stay on or go to another train because this will continue all morning'.
-_- Nice. So I get off and I walk to the N, W, R, D, & V train platform with a million other people. Three trains came back to back and boy was I happy until I realized that they were all full. I finally got on a relatively empty D train and it was moving at a good speed until it hit the Brooklyn Bridge, where it sat and sat and sat. When the train finally got to my stop I made my way out of the platform area only to find myself in the confusing underground concourse. That thing makes you feel as if you are in a Harry Potter movie with all those damn tunnels and gold walls. For a good 15 minutes I am just walking until I finally admit to myself that I am lost. I searched for the first glimpse of outside light I could run to and made my way to the surface. I was finally free and had 2 minutes to run up 3 long Manhattan blocks filled with clueless tourists. I got to work like 5 minutes late but hell I got there and that is all that matters. I was cool all until lunch time came around. I was on my way to the lunch room when I felt a little breeze on my leg. I'm like "Hmmm that's interesting" and I keep it moving because I suspected the pants were just thin. Then I felt and even stronger breeze which made me even more confused and instantly look down at my pants. There I see a rip from my pelvis to the middle of my thigh. OH MY WORD! I have been walking around like this and no one had the decency to say "Miss you ripped you're pants" because I damn sure didn't put them on like this! SMH! BOO FCKERS BOO! I would have told somebody that they ripped their pants HELL I TOLD THIS MAN HE HAD A BUG ON HIM! [granted that was driven by personal motive because he was standing right in front of me and I was scared it was going to jump on me so I had to tell him so he can rid of it]. Either way I was nice enough to tell him. So I put my bag in front of my leg and walked to the lunch room. I ate my lunch then ran to The Gap and bought a pair of jeans because that was all they had on sale and I refuse to pay $50 for Khaki pants that I will never wear again unless I work at Target. From that point on my day was relatively okay, nothing to scream about. I did learn a few things from this day: 1) I still hate humans. 2) Gap has upgraded the quality of their jeans 3) The Gap now carries my choice of jeans. The last time I bought Gap jeans was in 8th grade and they were kinds hard and rough. Now Gap jeans are nice, cotton soft, and they fit in all the right places. Did I mention they give me somewhat of a butt??? YASS! LIFE! I recently bought their Always Skinny jean and it is my new favorite. Anywho I have SAT homework to finish [yes I am at work doing my SAT hw, don't judge me] so ciao lovies.
4 hours ago