; 'Cause The Skinny Bxtch Said So.: AAR: Another Angry Rant

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

AAR: Another Angry Rant

This time boys and girls it is sponsered by the great MTA of New York City. On Sunday June, 28th 2009, the MTA decided to raise its fare from $2.00 to $2.25. A measly quarter may not seem like a lot but for a New Yorker that puts you in a tough spot. Where the hell am I supposed to find this 9th quarter? That is a bag of chips, a quarter water, or a handful of candy from your local corner store. I gotta find 2 extra quarters to go and come from work [$4.50 for those who can't add]. Times is hard MTA, times is hard! But that is besides the point. My point is why should I fork over an extra 25 cents for bum ass service? Why should I find those extra quarters to stand up in the hot-African-Sahara desert-temperature turned up to hell- sun during summer or in the cold-Ice Age of Antartica type winds during winter to wait for a stupid bus? And not only is this bus late but 600 of them come at the same time!!! WHY?!?!?!? Why should I dig in my couch for those extra quarters to stand up in the hot, funky ass, bum smellin, pee drenched subway to wait for a train that never comes on time? The lady in the booth said the train would be here in 10 mins...this mofo never show up until a good 40 mins later. NOOOOOOO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOO! I REFUSE YOU AND YOUR BULL MTA! I REFUSE IT! I REBUKE THEE!!! Countless times you have made me late for work or school and you want me to give you more money? I remember when the fare was $1.50, service was good then. Then it went up to $2.00, I let that slide and service was aight. BUT NOW it's up to $2.25 and you bastards are horrible. The service is horrid! And the stations stink. And the trains are dirty. The more money we give, the lazier you get and I refuse alla dis. I'm moving damn it. I will buy a bike and ride it everywhere. I've always wondered why white folks ride their bikes everywhere and now I know: no gas and no fare. Ugh I am so over the MTA right now. Thank you for making me late to work once again and preventing me from having lunch, thank you. Friggin bastids...

Anyway I am sneaking in another post from work so I gotta dip.



  2. lmao totally agree!
    thats ridiculos! lol
